Friday, August 26, 2011

My First Post!

Hello Everyone!
So I'm finally starting to figure out this blog stuff! Life seems to fly by so fast and I never have as much time with you all as I would like. I am hoping to use this blog to help keep you all updated between visits. In other words, I'm going to bore you with the details of my life lol! :)
The past five years have been so amazing! Zach and I are living in Surprise, Arizona. Zach is attending dental school at Midwestern University while I work a few days a week babysitting for a friend. We both love Arizona! We're big fans of the heat and love the sunny days! We truly are blessed in so many ways. And though life can seem hard at times, we realize that each new trial brings with it new blessings and personal growth. We are trying our best to enjoy life to the fullest. Taking it one day at a time and learning as we go.

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